Chatbots for Law Firms

A great way of optimizing work processes to save lawyers’ time and money.

Trusted by 3000+ companies

24/7 Real-Time Responses

Provide customers with legal help whenever they need it. Chatbot doesn't need rest or vacation.

Reduce Costs

Automate FAQs and customer service inquires reducing time needed from your customer service team.


Allow customers to book meeting 24/7 on the channels they prefer. Provide them with a real Omnichannel Experience.
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Generate Legal Documents

Chatbot to help you generate legal documents, reports, and legal briefs. A bot chats with a client to gather the required information and then creates his document in minutes instead of you.

Increase Lead Generation

Chatbots start conversations that help in generating and qualifying leads. With the help of real-time communication, the bot increases lead generation and solves simple legal violations that people come across every day.

Easy Access to Information

Scan through the huge volume of data to find the exact answer. Chatbots can scour through a lot of data to provide information like laws, regulations or a similar case. The technology combines both chatbot and CRM and attorneys can easily find the data for a related lawsuit.

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Our team will design, build, and support a chatbot solution that’s tailored specifically to your business needs.

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