Cori – Coronavirus Awareness Chatbot
With the Coronavirus Pandemic having claimed thousands of lives worldwide, the only way to prevent it is by staying abreast with the latest information and updates.

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<div id='embed'><script src='https://app.hybrid.chat/scripts/welcome.js%27%3E</script><script>welcome('0uapf' , 'hybrid.chat', {"loadHistory": true});</script></div>
Look no further as Cori gives you everything you need (quite literally) related to the Novel Coronavirus.
Live Updates
Get the latest updates on COVID-19! With our chatbot in place, you don’t have to scour the internet for legitimate information regarding this life-threatening virus. We keep it simple by only publishing precise information that you can completely rely on.

Self-Assessment Test
Been looking for an easy way to find out if you might have contracted the Coronavirus? Cori, the self-assessment bot, helps you do just that within a few minutes. Just a few clicks and you can evaluate whether or not you have the symptoms of Coronavirus.
Multilingual Support
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing! People out there are unconsciously contracting the disease due to a lack of awareness and information. Multi-language support aims to break all such language barriers and make the knowledge available for all.

Myth Busting
Social media channels are swamped with false information about Coronavirus. It is easy to fall prey to anxiety and panic amidst all this chaos. Moreover, believing the myths can cause more harm than good and invite several other diseases. To ease the problem, we have busted the common myths around Coronavirus.
Information about Essential Services (Database for India)
Apart from the mass hysteria, it has now become difficult to even get the essentials like groceries and veggies. Cori helps you tread through this tough time by providing a list of contact numbers and addresses near you to get the essential commodities.

Crucial Web Notifications
Get notified every time there is an important update or news related to Coronavirus to stay on top of the precautionary measures. Cori also reminds you to wash your hands frequently and keeps you updated with authentic information.
Life in Self-Quarantine*
Find out how you can better manage life in self-quarantine and even make the most of it! Tips and resources from around the world to help you navigate through this testing time.

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