Facebook ads + Chatbot: All you need to know


Businesses these days struggle to create advertisements that are successful and effective. Almost every brand creates advertisements on blogs, social media and websites. But these platforms are already bombarded with ads, which can be quite overwhelming for the visitors. In fact, 40% of ads aren’t viewed by a living person at all and 38% of US adults have installed ad-blockers to have a smooth online experience. In this premise, Facebook ads combined with chatbots do a great job of engaging and converting customers. Let us find out how Facebook messenger bot ads can be effective in generating leads and retaining them. 

Here is how Facebook chatbots can help

Facebook is a social media platform that currently has over 2 billion users. Its vast audience gives chance for myriad advertising possibilities. When coupled with chatbots, Facebook ads provide personalized interaction with the customer and business. Instead of putting an ad from a news feed to the website, FB Messenger can be used directly for displaying ads. Chatbots are effective on their own anyways but chatbot in messenger can be even more impactful. Let us understand how you can do chatbot advertising on Facebook. 

What is Chatbot Advertising?


What is Chatbot Advertising?

To avail the full potential of Facebook advertising you need to first have a chatbot. A chatbot is often powered by rules and databases and at times by artificial intelligence. Click To Tweet Users talk to a chatbot through a chat interface just like how they would speak to a support agent. Once you create a targeted advertisement on Facebook, the user comes across your advertisement. If they are intrigued by the content they click on the CTA button and then start a conversation with the chatbot on Messenger.

This allows you to directly get in touch with the user, thus closing the sales faster. Moreover, a chatbot also qualifies leads so that the employees don’t have to spend time on prospects who would eventually not be interested. A chatbot asks a few questions and collects the necessary data. Furthermore, if the bot is integrated with CRM then information about the lead is stored there automatically.

How can your business benefit from chatbot advertising?


Your Customers Don’t have to Wait Around

Your Customers Don’t have to Wait Around

In today’s dynamic world people absolutely love it when they get results instantly. It simply means that companies have to find ways to stay ahead of the competition. A fast response helps you close a deal faster. People don’t really like to wait for long hours only to get a generic reply via email. According to studies, companies are often too slow when it comes to following up on the leads.

Moreover, firms that try to connect with potential customers within an hour of getting the query are 7 times likely to get the lead qualified. Chatbots are apt at responding to the leads within seconds and as we already know it the faster you respond the better the chances of closing the sale.  

Building Rapport with Potential Clients

Building Rapport with Potential Clients

Chatbot advertising helps in creating a customized experience wherein the user personally interacts with the brand. The process feels natural and comfortable which makes your customers feel confident while making the purchase. The best part about Facebook ads and chatbot is that when you connect with the user once you can send them a message anytime after that. Thus, Facebook ads chat is able to capture more leads faster while keeping the communication natural. 

Reducing the Bounce Rate

Reducing the Bounce Rate

When you combine Facebook ads with chatbot advertising, the user essentially stays on the same website. As a result of it, the bounce rate of your website decreases. Collecting information about the user with a bot is more reliable than directing a person to a website so that they fill out a registration form on their own. When the ad brings customers to your bot, they can get instant answers within the Facebook platform.

Boosting Lead Generation and Sales 

Boosting Lead Generation and Sales 

The interaction with a chatbot gives more information about not only your business but also your customers. This gives a personalized and tailored customer experience. Did you know that 53% of consumers are more likely to buy from you if they can message you? A chatbot can guide and lead the user through the buying process to make the right purchase. Moreover, Messenger also supports payments thus setting up a seamless purchase without leaving Facebook. Compared to the other advertising platforms, chatbot advertising has a great impact on sales rates.

Reaching out to Customers with Deals and Offers

Deals and offers

Facebook ads and chatbots when combined can generate significant traffic for your business. You can easily select a specific audience that will see your ad such that an office, restaurant, café or a shop. With these you can also provide deal-based offers to boost the sales rate and improve the brand awareness in general.

For instance, let’s say you own a bakery shop and want people to know more about your business. You can thus place a targeted advertisement on Facebook with coupons and discounts if they place an order within a week. Add a CTA such as “Send a Message”, “Get a Discount” or something similar. Afterwards, a chatbot will reach out to the customers with a discount coupon for those who clicked the ad. Easy, isn’t it? You will witness qualified leads coming in effortlessly with the Facebook and bots model. 

Connect With Thousands of People with Customized Messages


Connect With Thousands of People with Customized Messages

Facebook is a powerful platform for advertising and this is apparent from its brilliant click-through rates. The average Messenger open rate is a whopping 80% as opposed to 20% for the email. Moreover, an average click-through rate on Messenger is 30% and the emails are only 3.3%.

Chatbot advertising for remarketing is an excellent avenue. You can reach out to thousands of customers with personalised messages. Sending a customised message helps you start meaningful conversations that lead to conversions. Click To Tweet These ads are not just displayed on their feed but are also sent in Messenger inbox.

For instance, if you have had a Facebook ad seminar before. You can reach people who engaged with your ad before and text them about the upcoming workshop that you are planning to conduct. Facebook is ideal for fast and efficient remarketing. When you add chatbots to the Facebook ads equation, the remarketing becomes even more efficient.

Final Take

Facebook ads

Facebook ads + chatbots make an exceptional combination ideal for reaching out and converting prospects. The instant response coupled with constant communication helps in nurturing the leads. With the successful application of chatbots and Facebook ads, the bounce rate also reduces. You can easily reach out to thousands of customers over and again and boost the sales for your business. The customised messages along with curated deals and offers are helpful in converting the leads. 

Would you like to leverage chatbot for Facebook advertisements? Try Hybrid.Chat for FREE or book a call with us for a demo.


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Deploy chatbots with human take-over and focus on leads and conversations that matter. 


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